How to set up and manage gamification features in Open edX?

Gamification in Open edX enhances learner engagement by integrating badges, leaderboards, points, and interactive challenges. Open edX supports gamification through badges, certificates, progress tracking, and custom plugins like XBlocks.

1. Key Gamification Features in Open edX

FeatureDescriptionTools Used
Badges & AchievementsAward digital badges for completing activitiesBadgr, Mozilla Open Badges
Points & LeaderboardsAssign points for completing quizzes, discussionsCustom XBlocks, LTI tools
CertificatesIssue completion certificatesOpen edX Certificates
Quests & ChallengesAdd interactive problem-solving tasksProblem Builder XBlock
Progress TrackingDisplay learner progress visuallyProgress Tracking API
Streaks & MilestonesReward consistent activityCustom API integration

2. Setting Up Badges in Open edX

Step 1: Enable Badges

  1. SSH into your Open edX server and edit the configuration: "ENABLE_BADGES": true, "BADGR_API_TOKEN": "your-badgr-api-token"
  2. Restart the LMS: sudo /edx/bin/supervisorctl restart all

Step 2: Configure Mozilla Open Badges

  1. Sign up on Badgr.
  2. Generate an API Token from Developer Settings.
  3. Add the Badgr API Token in Open edX Admin Panel:
    • Site Configuration → Add:
    { "BADGR_API_TOKEN": "your-badgr-api-token", "BADGR_ISSUER_SLUG": "your-issuer-slug", "BADGR_BASE_URL": "" }
  4. Save & Restart.

Step 3: Create Badges

  1. Go to Studio → Course Settings → Certificates & Badges.
  2. Upload badge designs.
  3. Assign criteria for awarding badges (e.g., quiz completion).

3. Adding Points & Leaderboards

Open edX doesn’t support points natively, but you can use:

  • Custom XBlocks (Gamification XBlock)
  • LTI Integration (External leaderboards)

Option 1: Use Gamification XBlock

  1. Install the Gamification XBlock: pip install git+
  2. Enable it in Open edX:
    • Go to Studio → Settings → Advanced Settings.
    • Add:
    "advanced_modules": ["gamification"]
  3. Restart Open edX: sudo /edx/bin/supervisorctl restart all
  4. Add the Gamification XBlock to a course:
    • Open Studio → Add Component → Advanced → Gamification XBlock.
    • Define rules and points system.

Option 2: Use an LTI-Based Leaderboard

  1. Set up an LTI leaderboard tool (like Kahoot, Classcraft).
  2. Enable LTI in Studio: "lti_consumer_enabled": true
  3. Add an LTI Component:
    • Paste the LTI URL and Consumer Key from your leaderboard tool.
    • Save.

4. Setting Up Certificates for Achievements

  1. Enable certificates in Advanced Settings: "certificates_enabled": true
  2. In Studio, go to Settings > Certificates.
  3. Create a new certificate template.
  4. Define completion criteria:
    • Minimum score required.
    • Completion of all course sections.
  5. Enable Certificate Issuance.

5. Adding Quests & Challenges

Use the Problem Builder XBlock for interactive challenges.

Step 1: Install Problem Builder XBlock

  1. SSH into Open edX server: pip install git+
  2. Restart LMS: sudo /edx/bin/supervisorctl restart all
  3. Enable in Studio:
    • Add "problem-builder" in Advanced Settings.
  4. Add a new Problem Builder Component in a course.

6. Implementing Streaks & Milestones

Open edX doesn’t support streaks natively, but you can:

  • Use custom JavaScript to track daily logins.
  • Store streak data in MongoDB.
  • Display streak progress using a progress-tracking XBlock.

7. Tracking Gamification Metrics

Use Open edX Insights or third-party tools to track:

  • Badge completions
  • Leaderboard rankings
  • Quiz performance
  • Course completion rates

To enable Insights:

tutor local enable insights
tutor local start -d

8. Conclusion

Gamification in Open edX involves:

  • Badges & achievements (Badgr integration)
  • Points & leaderboards (Gamification XBlock, LTI tools)
  • Certificates for completion
  • Quests & challenges (Problem Builder XBlock)
  • Tracking engagement (Insights, custom tracking)