Assignment: Advanced HTML Skills Assessment

Objective: This assignment aims to assess your proficiency in HTML, including advanced topics such as forms, multimedia integration, and CSS styling.


Task 1: Complex HTML Structure (15 points)

Create an HTML document with the following structure:

  • Declare the document type and HTML version.
  • Implement a multi-column layout using semantic HTML5 elements like <header>, <nav>, <main>, <section>, and <footer>.
  • Use appropriate attributes and labels to ensure the structure is semantically meaningful.

Task 2: Forms and Input Elements (20 points)

Inside the <main> section:

  • Develop a complex form that includes text inputs, text areas, radio buttons, checkboxes, a dropdown select box, and a submit button.
  • Utilize the <label> element to associate labels with form fields.
  • Implement form validation using HTML5 attributes like required, pattern, and minlength.

Task 3: Multimedia Integration (15 points)

  • Embed a video from an external source (e.g., YouTube) using the <iframe> element.
  • Include at least two images, one of which should be responsive (adjust to different screen sizes) using appropriate HTML and CSS techniques.
  • Implement audio integration using the <audio> element.

Task 4: HTML5 Semantic Elements (15 points)

  • Use at least five different HTML5 semantic elements such as <article>, <aside>, <figure>, <figcaption>, and <time> to enhance the structure and meaning of your content.

Task 5: CSS Styling (20 points)

  • Create an external CSS stylesheet and link it to your HTML document.
  • Apply CSS styling to format your web page, including fonts, colors, margins, and padding.
  • Use CSS to style at least one of the form elements differently (e.g., change the background color when focused or add hover effects to buttons).

Task 6: Accessibility (10 points)

  • Ensure your web page is accessible by adding appropriate alt attributes for images and providing keyboard navigation support.
  • Include ARIA attributes where applicable to improve accessibility.

Task 7: Responsive Design (15 points)

  • Implement responsive design techniques using CSS media queries to ensure your web page adapts gracefully to different screen sizes (e.g., desktop, tablet, mobile).


Submit your HTML file (.html), external CSS file (.css), and any associated resources (images, if applicable) in a zip folder. Include your name in the file name (e.g., “”).


Your assignment will be graded based on the completeness, correctness, adherence to HTML and CSS standards, accessibility considerations, and responsive design. Ensure that your code is well-structured and well-documented.