How to install Open edX on a server?

Open edX is a powerful online learning management system (LMS). The recommended way to install Open edX is using Tutor, which simplifies the installation process using Docker.

🛠 Prerequisites

Before installing Open edX, ensure you have the following:

Ubuntu 20.04 or later (Recommended for production)
Minimum System Requirements:

  • 8 GB RAM (16 GB recommended for production)
  • 4 CPU cores
  • 50+ GB Disk Space
    Root (sudo) Access
    Docker & Docker Compose Installed

🔹 Step 1: Update Server & Install Dependencies

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
sudo apt install -y curl git python3 python3-pip

🔹 Step 2: Install Docker & Docker Compose

sudo apt install -y
sudo systemctl enable --now docker

Verify Docker installation:

docker --version

Install Docker Compose:

sudo apt install -y docker-compose
docker-compose --version

🔹 Step 3: Install Tutor (Open edX Installer)

Tutor is the official Open edX installation tool that simplifies deployment using Docker.

pip install --user tutor

Add Tutor to your PATH:

export PATH="$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH"

Verify installation:

tutor --version

🔹 Step 4: Install Open edX using Tutor


tutor local launch

Tutor will ask configuration questions like domain name, SMTP settings, etc.
Accept the defaults or enter your own values.

🔹 Step 5: Access Open edX

After installation, Open edX services will be running in Docker containers.

  • LMS: http://your-server-ip
  • Studio: http://your-server-ip:8001
  • Admin Panel: http://your-server-ip/admin

Default login credentials:

  • Username: admin
  • Password: Created during setup

🔹 Step 6: Configure Open edX (Optional)

  1. Set Up Custom Domain
    If using a domain, configure your DNS records and update Tutor settings: tutor config save --set tutor local start
  2. Enable HTTPS with Let’s Encrypt tutor local enable https tutor local restart
  3. Create Your First Course
    • Visit Studio (http://your-server-ip:8001)
    • Log in and create a new course

🔹 Step 7: Backup & Maintenance

To restart Open edX:

tutor local restart

To stop Open edX:

tutor local stop

To backup data:

tutor local backup

✅ Conclusion

You have successfully installed Open edX using Tutor! 🎉
Now, you can start building online courses and customizing the platform.