How to Reset admin password in Drupal?

How to Reset admin password in Drupal 7?

Drupal 7 stores a salted sha512 hash.

You can always use the user_hash_password(‘mypassword’) function (located in includes/ to make yourself a new one, then paste it into the database.

Create File on the root of Drupal run this file then you get the drupal hash password in Drupal 7 then go to your database and find user table then update the hash password.

Password is:- 123456


define('DRUPAL_ROOT', getcwd());
require_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/includes/';
require_once 'includes/';
echo user_hash_password('123456');


Method 1: Using Drush (Drupal Shell)

# Install Drush if not already installed
# Refer to Drush installation documentation for details

# Open your terminal or command prompt
# Navigate to your Drupal site's root directory

# Reset the admin password using Drush
drush upwd admin --password="newpassword"

Replace admin with your username and newpassword with the new password.

Method 2: Using MySQL Command Line

# Open your terminal or command prompt
# Access your MySQL database
mysql -u db_username -p
Replace db_username with your MySQL username.

# Select your Drupal database
USE database_name;
Replace database_name with your Drupal database name.

# Update the admin user's password
UPDATE users SET pass = md5('newpassword') WHERE name = 'admin';
Replace newpassword with your new password and admin with your username if different.

# Exit MySQL

Method 3: Using PHP Script

define('DRUPAL_ROOT', getcwd());
require_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/includes/';

$new_password = 'newpassword';
$account = user_load_by_name('admin');
$account->pass = user_hash_password($new_password);
echo 'Password has been updated.';
  1. Create a new PHP file in your Drupal root directory (e.g., reset_password.php).
  2. Replace newpassword with your new password and admin with your username if different.
  3. Open your browser and navigate to the script (e.g.,
  4. You should see a message saying “Password has been updated.”
  5. Delete the script after use for security reasons.

Method 4: Using the Password Reset Link

  1. Go to the Drupal login page (
  2. Click on the “Request new password” tab.
  3. Enter the username or email address associated with the admin account.
  4. Follow the instructions sent to the email to reset your password.