List of 50 Reasons for Rejections at Google Play Store and Their Solutions

Reason for RejectionSolution
1. Violation of Google Play PoliciesReview and comply with all relevant Google Play policies before submission.
2. Incomplete App InformationEnsure all required app details (description, screenshots, category) are fully provided.
3. Misleading or Spammy ContentProvide accurate and honest app descriptions, titles, and promotional content.
4. Privacy Policy IssuesInclude a clear and accessible privacy policy, especially if the app collects user data.
5. Inappropriate ContentRemove or filter any content that violates Google Play’s content policies.
6. Copyright InfringementUse original content or obtain proper licenses for third-party content.
7. App Crashes or Poor FunctionalityThoroughly test the app to ensure it is stable and functional on various devices.
8. Excessive PermissionsOnly request permissions necessary for app functionality, and explain why they are needed.
9. Unauthorized Use of Google’s BrandAvoid using Google’s trademarks or branding without explicit permission.
10. Violation of Metadata PoliciesEnsure your app’s title, description, and metadata follow Google Play’s guidelines.
11. Deceptive BehaviorEnsure the app behaves as described and doesn’t mislead users.
12. Poor User Interface (UI) or User Experience (UX)Improve UI/UX by following Android design guidelines for a better user experience.
13. Duplicate AppsAvoid submitting multiple apps with similar or identical content.
14. Non-compliance with Advertising GuidelinesEnsure ads comply with Google Play’s ad policies and do not interfere with app functionality.
15. Prohibited Financial ServicesAvoid offering or promoting unapproved financial services like payday loans.
16. Malware or Security RisksScan the app for malware and ensure there are no security vulnerabilities.
17. Violation of Family PoliciesIf targeting children, comply with Google Play’s Designed for Families policy.
18. Inappropriate Use of User DataBe transparent about data usage and obtain user consent where necessary.
19. Violation of Developer Distribution AgreementReview the Developer Distribution Agreement and ensure full compliance.
20. Lack of App ContentEnsure the app provides sufficient content or functionality to meet user expectations.
21. Use of Restricted APIAvoid using APIs that are restricted by Google, and ensure proper API usage guidelines are followed.
22. Insufficient App TestingConduct extensive testing on multiple devices to identify and fix bugs before submission.
23. Lack of LocalizationProvide localized content for target regions and ensure all text is translated appropriately.
24. Poor App PerformanceOptimize the app’s performance to reduce load times, crashes, and battery drain.
25. Inadequate App SupportProvide proper contact information and support resources for users.
26. Unauthorized Use of Third-Party ContentObtain permission or licenses for any third-party content used in the app.
27. Payment Policy ViolationsEnsure all in-app purchases and payment methods comply with Google Play’s payment policies.
28. Lack of Clear User InstructionsProvide clear and concise instructions or tutorials for users within the app.
29. Non-compliance with Data Safety SectionAccurately fill out the Data Safety section and disclose how user data is collected and used.
30. Violating Device and Network Abuse PolicyEnsure the app doesn’t abuse or misuse device resources, such as excessive background processing.
31. Improper Use of Push NotificationsUse push notifications only for relevant and user-consented content; avoid spamming.
32. Failure to Support All DevicesEnsure the app supports a wide range of devices and screen sizes or restrict its availability accordingly.
33. Non-compliance with App Bundle RequirementsUse Android App Bundles and adhere to Google Play’s requirements for them.
34. Unclear or Misleading PricingClearly disclose the app’s pricing, including in-app purchases, to avoid misleading users.
35. Improper Use of SubscriptionsEnsure subscription offers are clear, easy to manage, and follow Google Play’s guidelines.
36. Violation of Gambling PoliciesAvoid including gambling features unless fully compliant with local laws and Google’s policies.
37. Non-compliance with Accessibility GuidelinesEnsure the app is accessible to users with disabilities by following Android accessibility guidelines.
38. Lack of User-generated Content ModerationImplement effective moderation for any user-generated content to prevent abuse or inappropriate content.
39. Failure to Use Google Play Billing for Digital GoodsUse Google Play Billing for in-app purchases of digital goods or services to comply with Google’s policies.
40. Overloading Users with AdsEnsure ads are not intrusive or disruptive to the user experience.
41. Non-compliance with Android 12+ RequirementsEnsure the app complies with newer Android OS requirements, especially for apps targeting Android 12 and above.
42. Violation of Sensitive Events PolicyAvoid exploiting sensitive events (e.g., pandemics) for commercial purposes.
43. Inappropriate Targeting of ChildrenEnsure the app and its ads are appropriate for the age group it’s targeting, particularly if targeting children.
44. Violation of Stalkerware PolicyEnsure the app does not facilitate unauthorized tracking or surveillance of users.
45. Lack of Adequate App Descriptions for UpdatesProvide detailed descriptions of updates to inform users of significant changes or fixes.
46. Unauthorized Cryptocurrency FeaturesEnsure any cryptocurrency features comply with local laws and Google’s policies.
47. Infringement on Intellectual PropertyAvoid using names, logos, or content that could infringe on someone else’s intellectual property.
48. Lack of App InteractivityEnsure the app offers meaningful interactivity and isn’t just a static content aggregator.
49. Violation of App Content RatingsAccurately rate your app based on its content to ensure it is suitable for its audience.
50. Version Compatibility IssuesEnsure the app is compatible with the latest Android versions and update it to avoid issues with outdated versions.

Version Compatibility Issues

App Status: Rejected

Your app has been rejected and wasn’t published due to the policy issue(s) listed below. If you submitted an update, the previous version of your app is still available on Google Play.

Issue found: Invalid privacy policy

Your app’s privacy policy does not meet necessary policy requirements.

Under the User Data policy, you must link to a privacy policy on your app’s store listing page and within your app. Apps that do not access any personal and sensitive user data must still submit a privacy policy.

Please add or update your privacy policy, and make sure it is available on an active URL (no PDFs), is non-editable, applies to your app, and specifically covers user privacy.

Please review the following compliance checklist for privacy policies. Your privacy policy must:

  • Be linked on your app’s store listing page in Play Console and within the app itself.
  • Hold reference to the entity (for example, developer, company) named in the app’s Google Play listing or the app.
  • Include a clear labeling as a privacy policy.
  • Include a privacy point of contact or a mechanism to submit inquiries.
  • Be readable in a standard browser without any plug-ins or special handlers (no PDFs).
  • Be available on an active, publicly accessible and non-geofenced URL.
  • Be non-editable.
  • Comprehensively disclose how your app accesses, collects, uses, and shares user data. This must include:
    • Disclosing the types of personal and sensitive user data your app accesses, collects, uses, and shares; and any parties with which any personal or sensitive user data is shared.
    • Secure data handling procedures for personal and sensitive user data.
    • Developer’s data retention and deletion policy.

Issue details

We found an issue in the following area(s):

About the Privacy policy in Google Play User Data policy

Please provide a valid privacy policy link even if your app does not collect any personal and sensitive user data.

  • Review the policy linked below for all the requirements of a privacy policy.


Action required: Submit an updated app for review

Here’s what to do to help get your app on Google Play:

  1. Make sure to read the applicable policies or requirements listed below:
  2. Make appropriate changes to your app (if possible), and be sure to address the issue described above. You may also want to check your app’s store listing for compliance, if applicable.
  3. Double check that your app is compliant with all other Developer Program Policies.
  4. If you made changes to your app bundle, store listing, or APK, please sign in to your Play Console and submit the update(s).

Contact support

If you’ve reviewed the policy and feel our decision may have been in error, please reach out to our policy support team. We’ll get back to you within 2 business days.