what is “Route Parameters” in Laravel

In Laravel, route parameters are segments of the URL that can be dynamic and are passed to the route handler (usually a controller method or a closure). These parameters make it possible to capture values from the URL and use them within your application. There are two types of route parameters in Laravel: required and optional.

Required Route Parameters

A required route parameter is a part of the URL that must be present for the route to match. These parameters are defined within curly braces {} in the route definition. When a URL matches the route, the parameter’s value is passed to the route’s action.


// In routes/web.php

// Defining a route with a required parameter
Route::get('/user/{id}', function ($id) {
return 'User ID: ' . $id;

// Another example using a controller method
Route::get('/user/{id}', 'UserController@show');

In this example, when you visit /user/1, the route will match, and the value 1 will be passed to the closure or the show method of the UserController as the $id parameter.